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About Us

Empowering older adults to live joyful and independent lives

Engaged Living is a senior home care service that focuses on advocacy and helping our clients to navigate complex health and care challenges.


Being a caregiver to an aging parent can be a stressful experience but we help to fill in the gaps and assist every step of the way through the journey. 


We assess our senior’s needs and construct an individualized plan of care that meets their needs.

Engaged Living brings experience and strong compassion for serving seniors. This allows for a robust and premier care management program in the comfort of your own home.

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Engaged Living meets seniors where they're the most comfortable: at home.

With our plan of care, we break down the barriers of traditional care options with an innovative and individualized approach.

Our mission

We are committed to improving the quality of life for the older adults in our community through advocacy and exceptional service.

Our vision

Revolutionize geriatric care services by empowering older adults across all socioeconomic backgrounds to live happy, independent, and fulfilled lives. We do this by connecting seniors with the adaptable care they need in the comfort of their homes.

Our core values

We are committed to preserving your independence, providing adaptable and flexible treatment, and setting the standard for excellence. 

Concrete Wall

What is Geriatric Care Management?

Also known as Aging Life Care management, is a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health challenges. Working with families, the expertise of Aging Life Care Professionals provides the answers at a time of uncertainty. Their guidance leads families to the actions and decisions that ensure quality care and an optimal life for those they love, thus reducing worry, stress and time off of work for family caregivers through: Assessment and monitoring, Planning and problem-solving, Education and advocacy, Family caregiver coaching.


Source: Aging Life Care Association

Leadership Team

Our team is dedicated to helping families and their loved ones navigate the complexities of the senior health and wellness industry. Engaged Living Seniors was founded as a creative and innovative solution that promote high-quality care and successful aging. This is done through a comprehensive assessment and planning for current and future needs.

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